Daslight DVC GOLD 1024


2.3. What’s new in Daslight 5?

Daslight 5 has been re-designed from the ground up with a fresh new user interface and improvements to the overall workfow. Users of earlier software versions will fnd that we have kept all the important features intact, whilst adding a tonne of additional new features. Here we will fnd out just a handful of new features available in Daslight 5:

Layout The ‘Patch’ screen in Daslight 4 is now known as ‘Setup’, the ‘Edit’ and ‘Live’ screens from Daslight 4 are now merged under the name ‘Control’, and the ‘Show’ mode from the previous Daslight is now known as ‘Touch’.

Fixture limitations

You can now set dimmer and movement limitations on your fxtures from the Setup screen.

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