Daslight DVC GOLD 1024
with a rainbow scrolling from left to right. In this case, be sure that the fxture index’s are numbered from left to right as the example shows below. When the quick selection buttons are used, fxtures are indexed in the order specifed in the patch window.
Positioning fxtures
Fixtures can be positioned in the 2d view manually by dragging and dropping them. If a multi-selection of fxtures has been made, you can change the relative positions by adjusting the position of the square with the small circles (like resizing an image). The selection can also be rotated by dragging the small circle at the top centre of the selection perimeter. Fixtures can be quickly positioned in a square, line, circle or custom matrix by clicking the shape icon on the spreading menu. You can also use the alignment menu to align or distribute your fxtures in a specifc way. For example- you may have a selection of fxtures which you want to be aligned vertically but remain in their horizontal position, or you may want to distribute all highlighted fxtures to have equal vertical/horizontal spacing.
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