Daslight DVC GOLD 1024
Faders The Faders tab is located just below the Features tabs. This will show the full range of channels set within the fxture profle in order. Here, you can see the full fader range of 0 - 255 for each channel. Right clicking on the icon below the channel number will allow you to see the full list of presets for a certain channel. You can set the value of a fader by left clicking and dragging the fader itself, left click and dragging the value displayed, double clicking on the value displayed then typing the desired value, or right clicking on a fader then selecting the desired percentage. Each channel can be turned ON and OFF by clicking the Green (On) or Black (Of) dot at the top of the fader. If a channel is OFF, it will not be used in the scene. Therefore, if the same channel is being used in another active scene, the output value will remain the same. However, if the channel is switched ON and set to 0, then the output value will change to 0 when the scene is triggered.
Editmode To select a scene to edit, you must click the tall rectangular section on the right side of the scene. To then edit a scene’s settings, you will need to be in Edit mode. Edit mode will be enabled whenever you create a new scene. Edit mode is also locked by default, however you can disable this by right clicking on the Edit button. Blind Edit mode is similar to Edit mode, it will not output the scene’s DMX values whilst selected. This is particularly useful in a live scenario, where you may want to make a change to a scene without afecting the ongoing light show.
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