Daslight DVC GOLD 1024
is triggered. If you select ‘Pause the scene at the beginning’, the scene will need to be unpaused for the scene to start playing each time you trigger the scene. f. Duration : This will control the overall duration of the scene. When using this to set the duration of a Steps scene, this will alter the Wait/Fade Time of each individual step to ft the overall duration. g. Fade In/Fade Out : This will control the Fade In and Fade Out times for the scene. To see this efect, you will need to enable ‘Live’ mode in the control panel above the Features tabs. h. Fade speed : This controls the relative time of the fade, based on the Fade In and Fade Out values. With a Fade Speed of 1.0 - the actual speed will be as set by the previous parameters. With a Fade Speed of 0.5 - the actual speed will be 2 times slower than the time set by the previous parameters. With a fade speed of 2.0 - the actual speed will be 2 times faster than the time set by the previous parameters.
2. Contents
Scene contents are dependent on the scene type you have selected. Descriptions of each scene type can be found in the 4.2. ‘Creating Scenes - Scene Types’ section.
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