Daslight DVC GOLD 1024
3. Channel : Sets the input channel number from 1-16. 4. Note : This option determines the exact note and octave that the function will be mapped to on your MIDI controller. 5. Button Mode : This determines whether the button will ‘Toggle’ On/Of, or whether it will only send one specifc ‘Value’ (either On or Of). a. Toggle : i. Flash : When enabled the button will be On whilst the button is held, then Of when released. When disabled, the button will toggle On/Of on when pressed. 6. Device : Determines what controller to send MIDI Output to. 7. Control State : This function works with the Velocity below to determine what values will be sent to the MIDI Controller when the button is On, Of and Fading (Fade). 8. Channel : Sets the output channel number from 1-16. 9. Velocity : Determines the value that will be sent to the controller listed in Device belowwhen the button is On, Of and Fading. In certain controllers, e.g. the Akai APCmini this will allow you to set the illumination colour of a button based on its Of, On and Fade settings. b. Value : i. Determines whether the MIDI mapping will turn the Daslight button ‘On’ or ‘Of’.
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