Daslight DVC GOLD 1024


2. AudioSync : This will try to set the BPM according to audio peaks detected by the Audio Input device. This will respond best to music or audio with a strong, consistent pulse such as a metronome click. 3. MIDI Clock Sync : The BPM will synchronise according to the MIDI Clock. You will need a compatible MIDI device to be activated within the same Settings tab to enable this. 4. Ableton Link Sync : The BPM will synchronise to your Ableton Link. This can be used to synchronise tempo with an external software, such as certain DJ programs.

BPM When you select the BPM setting in Driving Mode, you will straight away see the Beat Divisions which have been added to the playback slider. The playback of the scene will reach the next Division on each beat, as determined by the BPM. For example: setting the Beat Division to 1 will loop the scene every 1 beat, setting the Beat Division to 8 will loop the screen every 8 beats. You can instantly half or double the Beat Division value by pressing the “ /2 ” or “ x2 “ buttons. If you want your scene to step from one beat division to the next, you can do this by selecting the “Pause Playback” button directly above the Driving Mode list.

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