Daslight DVC GOLD 1024


speed up/slow down the scene. For example- a scene with a duration of 10 seconds, and the speed dial set to 2 will become 5 seconds long (10 ÷ 2 = 5), if you set the speed dial to 0.5 then the scene will become 20 seconds long (10 ÷ 0.5 = 20). 3. Phase: Used to increase the phasing value of the scene. This control will only take efect on a Move, Value, or Curve FX. 4. Size: Used to control the relative range of movement on a Move FX.

Please note - Live Control Dials will not take efect on a scene playing within a Super Scene.

Livemixer The Live Mixer tab can be accessed through the button in the top right corner of the Control Panel. Each Group of fxtures will have their own ‘mixer’, as well as one ‘mixer’ for All fxtures. Within each mixer, you can control the following functions: 1. Dimmer : Controls the overall brightness of the relevant fxtures. 2. HUE : Controls the colour of the relevant fxtures. 3. Saturation : Controls the saturation of the HUE value set. 4. Reset colour : Resets the HUE and Saturations values, the fxtures will return to their previous state. 5. Strobe : Activates the strobe for the relevant fxtures. 6. Strobe frequency : Controls the speed of the strobe. 7. Full : Sets the mixer’s dimmer to full brightness. 8. Exclusive full : Sets the mixer’s dimmer to full brightness and sets all other groups to ‘blackout’. 9. Blackout : Sets the mixer’s dimmer to minimum brightness. 10. Flash : Sets the mixer’s dimmer to full brightness and the colour to white. 11. Exclusive fash : Sets the mixer’s dimmer to full brightness and the colour to white, also sets all other groups to ‘blackout’.

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