Daslight DVC GOLD 1024


7.5. MIDI watcher The MIDI watcher tool can be used to view in real time all MIDI input messages that Daslight is receiving (MIDI Input) as well as the MIDI messages Daslight is sending (MIDI Out). When a message is sent, it will be visible in the list. You will see the Command type, Channel, Number, Level as well as the Device the message is being sent by/to.

7.6. Miscellaneous UI components Saving and opening

Within the ‘File’ dropdown menu, you will see a few options for project management.

- New : Opens a new, empty project. You will be prompted to save any changes to the current project. - Open : Opens your computers fle directory, locate the desired .dvc fle to open. - Open recent : Shows a list of recently opened projects, select one to open. - Import patch : Opens a .dvc project but only imports the ‘Setup’ screen (fxtures). - Import scenes : Opens a .dvc project but only imports the ‘Control’ screen (scenes). - Check for missing fles : Checks project for missing fles (i.e. an audio fle within a Super Scene). - Save : Saves current project to the already set fle path. - Saveas : Saves a copy of the current project to a custom fle path.

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