Daslight DVC GOLD 1024
1.4. Creating scenes
Further information can be found in section 4- ‘Control (programming)’.
Scenes and banks All scenes are arranged into ‘Banks’ in Daslight 5. By default, 1 scene can play at a time in each bank. Banks are designed to be stacked, for example there may be a group for colour efects, a group for movement efects and a group for strobe efects etc. To create a new bank you can press the ‘+‘ button at the top of the screen, just below the Setup, Control and Touch tabs. To create a new scene within a bank, you can press the ‘+‘ button on the bank controls section. By default, any new scene will be a ‘Static’ scene. To edit/select a scene, you can click the tall rectangle on the right side of the scene button.
Generating efects Once you have selected a scene to edit, you can load an efect into it using the scene type options on the right of the screen. Each scene type will have a distinct efect and will come with a diferent set of options/settings to create the desired efect. A full list of each scene type, and how to use them, can be found in section 4.2. ‘Creating scenes - Scene Types’.
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