Table Tennis 2019/2020
GEWO | WM-Champion Brackets made from one single grey cast iron section. Plastic pads protect your table. Particularly robust design with wide clamps and easy height adjustment by means of adjusting screws.
GEWO | World Cup Felt pad protected clamps. Black net with replaceable metal adapter. Easy and quick handling.
Meets all ITTF requirements Net: black.
ITTF approved Net: black.
Item no.: 3144 € 59.90
Item no.: 1991 € 42.90
GEWO | CS Starter Budget metal net kit with adjustable net tension. Very easy to handle. Ideal for hobby use and for PE at school.
GEWO | CS Clip Robust, height adjustable, clamp-type metal net kit Easy to set up and take down. Ideal for club use and for PE at school.
GEWO | CS Profi Very robust metal net kit with handy height adjust- ment screw and easy-to-handle clamping screw. Ideal for club use and for PE at school.
GEWO | Easy Clip Very compact, plastic-coated steel-sheet net. Easy-to-use, solid clip. Easy handling. Rubber pads protect your table. Meets all ITTF requirements. Net: black.
Item no.: 8938 € 16.90
Item no.: 8939 € 26.90
Item no.: 8940 € 22.90
Item no.: 1993 € 35.90
1 GEWO | Umpire table (without Scoreboard) Easy-to-use umpire table. A must for any club. Very small when fol- ded. Robust but light. Easy storage thanks to small size. Including protection covering for safe storage. Dimensions: 67 x 71,5 x 5,5 cm (L/H/B) Item no.: 2532 € 78.90
2 GEWO | Scoreboard Compact „Time Out“ Stable, easy-to-use plastic material scoreboard with easily readable scores. Easy and safe storage when folded. Solid, club-quality score- board. No more trouble with torn-out scorecards. Including time-out cards. A real long-term investment. Item no.: 2011 € 36.90
4 GEWO | Scoreboard Prime Stable GEWO scoreboard. Double-spiral for easy flipping in both direc- tions. Stable display setup in box. Time-out cards included. Numbers from 0 to 21, games from 0 to 5. Size: 36 x 25 x 21 cm (L x H x W) Item no.: 9469 € 34.90
3 GEWO | Replacement numbers Replacement numbers for GEWO-Scoreboard Compact. Dimensions big cards:13x11cm/small cards: 7,8 x 5 cm
Made with FlippingBook flipbook maker