RCF RDNet Control 2

RDNet 4.0 User Manual Rev. A



The Controllers window shows a summary of all controllers linked to RDNet.

The right side of this view (“Found Controllers”) contains all the controllers and different devices (COM), physically connected to the system via Ethernet or USB. In order to find Ethernet connected ones, you need to click button. The others get individuated automatically. The first USB controller found, will directly be connected to the system (this behavior could be disabled on the “Se ttings ” panel). It also appears on the right side (“Workspace Controller”) . The green tick means “Matched”.

The right side of the window (“Workspace Controller”) contains the controllers connected to the devices shown on the screen in the case of an offline project. If there are many controllers on the right list you can select which one you want to match with another one on the left list (“Found Controllers”) by clicking button or by dragging one on the left list and dropping it to another one on the right list. The button orders the controllers by IP address. By building the project in the right way, you can avoid manually doing the matching for each controller. This can be easily done by clicking on the button and afterwards, the button.

If you save a scene after controllers' matching at loading the matchings will kept.


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