RCF RDNet Control 2

RDNet 4.0 User Manual Rev. A



RDNet is a 'daisy chain' network. An RDNet CONTROL 2 / CONTROL 8 port is linked to the 'Data Input' of the first device, from which its 'Data Link' output is linked to the second device input and so on, up to max. 32 devices per channel.

The next figure is an indicative example of a typical RDNet network connection:

RDNet software can detect the occupied position by every network device and assign a unique identifier to each of them. All this takes place in fully automatic mode and, at the end of the Scan, all devices are shown exactly as they are linked to one another.

Note: the system in the picture is the same we used in the RDNet video tutorials which are available on our website. Watching these tutorials you will get a quick overview of the software capability and you will see how our product specialists work, to set up a system for a live event.


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