RCF RDNet Control 2

RDNet 4.0 User Manual Rev. A

The DSP control section (click '>>' in the extended-attribute window) includes all DSP controls (shown in the next figure) that are common for all speakers:

The graphic user interface allows presets (equalization, gain and delay settings) to be loaded or saved from / to the internal PC drives.

This is the new detail interface for the new array devices.

It has been organized by sections using precise colors.

■ = Fir Section ■ = Preset Section (Air Absorption & Cluster Size Corrections) ■ = High Pass Section ■ = User Equalizer Section

Each equalization component is drawn in the graph using the associated color.

By clicking the following toggle buttons is possible to show/hide the relative curve in the graph.

If the button is highlighted (

) then it means that the curve is plotted otherwise (

) it is not.

“Overall” is the summation curve of all graph component s.

In chapter 6 we will examine the functionalities of each individual function applied to a line array system.


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