RCF RDNet Control 2

RDNet 4.0 User Manual Rev. A




All RDNet devices have a 'Bypass / Local Set up' button on their rear panels. This option concerns the device on-board DSP, about which configuration will be loaded when rebooting. If that button is released, the DSP will load the local manual settings. If that button is pressed, the DSP will load the last valid settings received and will be able to be remote controlled by RDNet. In an RDNet system, it is crucial all devices have their 'Bypass / Local Set up' buttons pressed. It is thereby assured that even after a possible power interruption and restoration, the system will keep operating properly according to the last received configuration.

RDNet software indicates the 'Bypass / Local Set up' button status by changing the respective object ID colour on the workspace and in the extended-attribute window as well.

Note: If (for any reason) the computer loses communication with a device, that device will keep operating according to the last settings received from the software, therefore possible issues (due to unstable wiring, computer crashes, no mains, etc.) do not affect its proper operation.


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