RCF RDNet Control 2

RDNet 4.0 User Manual Rev. A

The Scan function (on the example setup, starting from an empty workspace) leads to the following result:

Each workspace object (/device) column corresponds to a controller line.

All objects can be moved in the workspace to best suit the current setup. Normally, all objects are placed in the workspace considering their real physical positioning. Drag and drop workspace objects to delivered positions. RDNet has a hidden grid to position all objects. The grid size can be chosen in the toolbar Option > Settings as shown in the next figure:

If the box is checked, when dragging and dropping, objects are automatically snapped to the grid. and allow to set the grid size. (Default values: 25 - 25) The option removes some functions (VU meters and others) in the objects to optimise CPU resources in big systems. The option keeps the object standard size (with less details) instead of reducing it (if not checked) . It is useful to keep the same workspace aspect in both Low / High Detail modes .


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