RCF RDNet Control 2

RDNet 4.0 User Manual Rev. A

“Flat” button allows LF Level, Frequency Slider and Strength values to be set in order to create a flat configuration. It is also possible to export/import a Bass Shaper (LF Level, Frequency Slider and Strength values) on/from a file u sing “Load” and “Save” buttons.

To come back to Equalizer v iew click on the “EQ” button.

User Equalizer view has two modes.

“Single filter” mode that allow s a single filter a time to be edited.

To edit the filter parameters select first the filter, “F1…F8” buttons. Then to enable/disable it, click on “ON/OFF” button and you can select the filter type from the multi-selection box.

To change filter parameters you can use rotary controlor text-arrows control.

On the other side equal ization can be controlled using “All filters” mode that shows all the filter values at the same time. To enter in this mode you must press the “MULTI” button.

High Pass

Here select the high pass filter frequency using slider or text-arrows control.

All the modification applied will be displayed on the graph.


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