RCF RDNet Control 2

RDNet 4.0 User Manual Rev. A



The Master function allows the Gain, Delay and Phase relative value control of the selected objects on the workspace. To assign the Master function to the selected objects:

1) Select with the mouse (click and hold to make an area) all objects to be assigned to the function.

2) Right-click an object and select Functions > New > Master in the menu.

The following window appears:

Gain and Delay values (set in this window) are algebraically added to the ones (DSP settings) of each single object assigned to the function. Example: if an object has its gain value set to +2 dB and the master function is set to -2 dB, the resulting value sent to the physical device will be 0 dB The resulting phase will be the object initial polarity (DSP settings) in 'exclusive or' with all phases of all master functions assigned to that same object. Click ' Disabled ' to disable the selected function (removing all gain, delay and phase setting of the included objects).

Click ' Send ' to send data when in Online-Concert mode.

Click ' Mute ' to mute all included objects.

Click ' >> ' to expand the current window and show the list.



The Curve function allows the natural curvature of a horizontal array made of equidistant subwoofers, to be electronically simulated in order to control its horizontal polar pattern. For example (figure below): this is an acoustic simulation showing the sound field at the frequency 63 Hz of a 12-subwoofer array (top view):


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