This control introduces a 24 dB/octave high pass filter at 90 Hz. It is useful when the system is used for vocal reproduction, for a cleaner vocal output. When this switch is pressed it is possible to obtain from the system higher spl output in the vocal range.
This control must be used in conjunction with the RDNet optional board. When the switch is released the system reads settings from the input board. When the switch is pressed the system reads settings from the internal memory saved during the last RDNet session. When RDNet is active the position of the switch is bypassed (not influent).
In case of installation or positioning close to a wall, pressing this switch the system apply an equalisation to correct the behaviour of the frequency response (modified by the wall reflections).
The TTL11-A digital array can be steered and focused to the audience in a few steps:
- 1. Press the encoder, the HEIGHT led will light up. - 2. Rotate the encoder to the right HEIGHT setting (from 0 to 2.0 meters in 0.5 steps) - 3. Press the encoder, the THROW led will light up. - 4. Rotate the encoder to the right THROW (near, mid, far, ∞ ).
- 5. Press the encoder, the DELAY led will light up. - 6. Rotate the encoder to the right DELAY setting.
The HEIGHT of installation is referred to the base of the TTL11 BA. The DELAY is expressed in 0.1 meter until 10 meters and in meter from 10 to 20 meters.
The XLR connectors use the following AES standard: PIN 1 = GROUND (SHIELD)
PIN 2 = HOT (+) PIN 3 = COLD (-)
The audio XLR cable shall be connected: - 1. To TTL11 AH signal input - 2. From TT11 AH signal link to TL11 BA signal input
In case of use of the system in conjunction to the TTS 26-A subwoofer the audio XLR cable shall be connected:
- 1. To TTS 26-A signal input - 2. From TTS 26-A XOVER output to the TTL11 AH signal input - 3. From TT11 AH signal link to TL11 BA signal input
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