SVHU FROGS-News 8/2017
| DAT E S YOU TH D & C · 4 1 .
U L ZBURG - CUP 2 01 7
D- UND C-JUGEND: WAS, WANN UND WO! Die Termine rund um das Himmelfahrtswochenende vom 25.5. bis 28.5.2017
Do., 25.5.2017 Fr., 26.5.2017 Sa., 27.5.2017 So., 28.5.2017
Check-In At the Cup-Hotel:
T-Shirt issue: 7.30–10.30 am
T-Shirt issue: 1.30–4.30 pm
T-Shirt issue: 7.30–10.30 am
beginning at 1.00 pm
10 am–7pm: Free Swimming with the Cup-Card at Natur- bad Beckersberg! Beachhandball starting at 8.00 pm Midnight Beachhandball at the BEACH ZONE
10 am–7pm: Free Swimming with the Cup-Card at Natur- bad Beckersberg! Beachhandball starting at 8.00 pm Midnight Beachhandball at the BEACH ZONE
v „Champions Day” Check-Out At the Cup-Hotel until 10.00 am
T-Shirt issue: 1.30–4.30 pm
10 am–7pm: Free Swimming with the Cup-Card at Natur- bad Beckersberg! Opening-Party starting at 9.00 pm
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