SVHU FROGS-News 8/2017
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U L ZBURG - CUP 2 0 1 7 · ED I TOR I A L |
This year, the SELECT-Ulzburg-Cup turns 41 years already. For over four decades now, Henstedt-Ulzburg has been turning into a handball stronghold over the weekends of Ascension Day and Pentecost. Launched by handball veteran Erich ‘Eggi’ Eggenstein, this handball festival has by now grown to one of the biggest youth-handball tournaments in northern Germany. Once again, more than 130 teams with over 2,500 children and adolescents will find their way to Henstedt-Ulzburg to compete with others but also to have fun together. Alongside well known faces from Norway, Sweden and Denmark, we will again welcome new guests in Henstedt-Ulzburg, as well. For the first time, a team from St. Petersburg and one from Moscow will participate in the SELECT Ulzburg-Cup. Only a short while ago, a delegation of the SVHU visited the Russian metropolis St. Petersburg. We are very happy that a return visit was made possible so quickly. The team with the longest journey this year, comes from Bangladesh again. Our municipality is happy to receive the registration of Saint Gregory's Highschool from Dhaka/Bangladesh. The male youth B team will soon start their 7,300 km long air travel from Dhaka to Hamburg. This highlights the international character of the SELECT Ulzburg-Cup and the decades of putting into practice international understanding – on and off the court. In order to ensure a smooth course of action for the tournament, the team of honorary volunteers around cup-leader Wulf Winterhoff have invested many hours of work. The SELECT Ulzburg-Cup’s great annual success is the motivation for all of the volunteers to carry out this sport event for the handball youth with enormous commitment year after year. Again this year, the Alstergymnasium and the Olzeborchschule will be transformed into Cup-hotels, in order to house the teams, and the school refectory will turn into the cup refectory, where food will be served for our guests. The international line up of the Ulzburg-Cup has already facilitated friendships across country borders. A good opportunity to meet other players apart from the court is the beach handball tournament. In the evening, the beach handball court will turn into a party area: in the midnight handball party the clubs participate with mixed teams, accompa- nied by music and a relaxing atmosphere. We express our thanks to all the helpers for their ceaseless efforts and hope that the 41 st SELECT Ulzburg-Cup will once again attract many visitors and offer exciting games.
We wish all participants fair and successful games and an enjoyable stay in Henstedt-Ulzburg
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