SVHU FROGS-News 8/2017
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U L ZBURG - CUP 2 0 1 7 · ED I TOR I A L |
... and readers of these FROGS-NEWS! With Ascension Day and Pentecost the fifth season of the year begins for the handball fans in Henstedt-Ulz- burg. The SELECT Ulzburg-Cup takes place – for the 41 st time. A remarkable length of time during which every year, many courageous people produce this event for our children and young adults from thin air. Every year we present the SELECT Ulzburg-Cup to our guests with a new slo- gan. For this year we have decided on “Hand in Hand” which stands for eve- rything that makes our sport so great and strong. We are united in the cause of our sports and join hands. We overcome borders that others try to build. This slogan also stands for every single team. A team can only be success- ful when team mates are working together, reach out their hands to one another and tackle their tasks and challenges together. Hand in hand. In addition the slogan emphasizes that we can only do our sports if we meet each other with mutual respect and tolerance, across the borders between teams and sport clubs. Whether you are a player, spectator, coach, assis- tant, timekeeper or referee – all of us belong to our great sport like balls and adhesives. Hand in Hand is also how the FROGGIES and FROGS of the SVHU HANDBALL have to stand and stick together as they set up the SELECT Ulzburg-Cup. Like in the past years, we strive to do our best and give our many guests a heartfelt welcome, again this year. We are immensely happy about the huge response we have experienced from all over Germany and many parts of Europe. This year the SELECT Ulzburg-Cup is set up even more internatio- nally than ever. We will be able to welcome teams from six different nations:
Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Scotland, Russia and, of course, Germany. Wri- ting this, we have enquiries from Bosnia and Herzegovina and again from Bangladesh. But only when you read this, will we know if that worked out. We are extremely delighted to have set up these contacts because espe- cially the international exchange is the icing on our handball cake. We are also grateful for the great support our handball department receives from our local government and from our politicians. We believe that by now the SELECT Ulzburg-Cup has found its place in the municipality of Henstedt- Ulzburg and that there is a growing understanding classifying this internati- onal event with so many guests from so many countries as an event not only for us handball lunatics but for everyone. We would like to take the oppor- tunity of the 41 st SELECT Ulzburg-Cup to prove to our business partners and sponsors that they are doing the right thing by supporting our purposes. To all partners in the FROGS-NETWORK a huge "THANK YOU"! Being your hosts, we FROGGIES and FROGS hope that we can once again thrill our guests this year and that the 41 st SELECT Ulzburg-Cup will again be a memorable experience for everyone. Remembered as a handball tour- nament during which not only the sport itself plays a significant role but also the cultural exchange, getting to know each other and celebrating our com- mon passion together as one.
Do not miss out on this. Celebrate yourselves and your sports.
Have lots of fun at the 41 st SELECT Ulzburg-Cup! Wulf Winterhoff
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