Daslight DVC GOLD 1024


1.5. Live control

Further information can be found in section 5 ‘Control (live)’.

Playing scenes The most basic way a scene can be triggered is by left clicking on the wide rectangle section of the button. You can also play the selected scene using the ‘Play scene’ button found at the top right corner of the scenes editing window. Once a scene is playing you can use the ‘Start the next scene’ or ‘Start the previous scene’ buttons to skip between the scenes in the bank.

Sound to light & BPM synchronisation In the Properties tab of your scene, you will fnd all of your synchronisation options. The ‘Driving Mode’ setting will allow you to choose how you want your scene to play. The options are as follows: BeatGO : The scene will play according to the Duration, however the playback slider now has beat divisions which can be skipped to using the BeatGO, or Previous/Next Division buttons. The number of divisions can be set in the Beat Division section (you can press ‘/2’ to half, or ‘x2’ to double the number of divisions). - BPM : The scene will play according to the BPM of the project. The playback slider will now show beat divisions which can be skipped to using the Previous/Next Division buttons. The - Of( default): The scene will play back according to the set Duration. -

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