Daslight DVC GOLD 1024
number of divisions can be set in the Beat Division section (you can press ‘/2’ to half, or ‘x2’ to double the number of divisions). - Pulse : The scene will play according to the Duration, however the efect will skip to the next beat division whenever the audio input peaks over the threshold (set with the Pulse slider at the top right of the screen). The number of divisions can be set in the Beat Division section (you can press ‘/2’ to half, or ‘x2’ to double the number of divisions). To enable this, you will need to set your audio input settings in the Settings window.
Mapping options Scenes, faders, buttons and dials can all be mapped from the Daslight UI to various forms of hardware. These options include MIDI mapping, Keyboard (computer) mapping, DMX input mapping, Dry contact ports mapping, OSC mapping. The fnal option is Touch mapping, which will allow you to map functions internally to Daslight ‘Touch’ screen (more information on this can be found in section 6. ‘Touch’). Each type of mapping will work slightly diferently, and provide diferent options for customisation, however the process to create a mapping is very similar amongst all options: 1. Select the type of mapping you want to create. You can choose Keyboard, MIDI and Touch mapping in the top right corner of the screen, or from the full list of mapping types via the ‘Mappings’ dropdown menu in the toolbar. 2. Select a function (scene, fader, button or dial) as highlighted by the coloured overlay. 3. Trigger the relevant control that you want to map the function to (i.e. a fader on your MIDI controller, a key on your keyboard, a port button on your DMX interface etc.).
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