Daslight DVC GOLD 1024
Importing a profle If you have a .ssl2 fxture profle that you want to import into Daslight 5- you can do this by selecting the “Import a profle” button, then selecting the relevant fle from your fle directory.
Matrix and strip fxtures
You can now create Matrix and Strip fxtures instantly in Daslight 5. For Matrix fxtures- you can select the LED Mode (RGB, RGBW, WWCW etc), the width/height of the matrix and the arrangement. For Strip fxtures- you can select the LED Mode, and the number of LEDS you want to have in your fxture.
Fixture groups Fixture groups are used to organise and manage your fxtures. For example- you may want to group all fxtures of a certain type, or by location (i.e. bar lights, stage lights etc). In Daslight 5, you can now have diferent fxture types in the same group. You can rename or delete a group by right clicking the group button. When you go to patch in a fxture, it will ask you if you want to create a new group- selecting ‘Yes’ will do so, selecting ‘no’ will place the fxture within the already selected group. You can also create a new group by selecting the ‘+’ symbol in the groups tab. You can remove a fxture from a group, add a fxture to an existing group, or add a fxture to a new group by right clicking on a fxture in either the 2d view, or the patch grid/list.
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