Daslight DVC GOLD 1024


3.3. Fixture properties Properties

To modify how a particular fxture operates, click the ‘List View’ button. A list of all patched fxtures is displayed along with their DMX address, fxture name, channel name and fxture profle location. To view the channels used by a particular fxture, click the triangle to the left of the fxture’s address. Several checkbox’s are visible to the right: 1. Enable/Disable fading : determines if the channel follows step fade times. 2. Dimmer : determines whether the channel is to be dimmed when the master dimmer or scene dimmer is changed. 3. Min Value/Max Value : this value correlates to the values set in the Limitations screen (see below). 4. Invert Pan : Reverses the output of the pan channel (when the channel is at value 0, the software will output value 255). 5. Invert Tilt : Reverses the output of the tilt channel. 6. Swap Pan/Tilt : Swaps the pan and tilt channels. When the pan channel is modifed, the software will output the data on the tilt channel and vice versa.

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