Daslight DVC GOLD 1024


3.4. Arranging fxtures Each lighting fxture is represented by a square/circle/rectangle which can be seen in the fxture window to the bottom left of the screen. Fixtures with multiple beams such as LED bars are displayed with several shapes that are linked together as one (each shape representing a beam). Each shape is capable of showing the following information (depending on the features of the actual lighting fxture):

- Dimmer - Shutter/strobe - Colour - Iris - Gobo + Gobo Rotation

Navigating around the fxture window When fxtures are patched, the position and zoom level of the fxture window will be set automatically so all fxtures are visible. The following toolbar buttons allow you to adjust the position and zoom level: 1. ZoomFit : Fit all fxtures into the view and centre the view. 2. Zoom Out/Zoom In : You can either press the “-” button to zoom out, the “+” button to zoom in, or use the slider in between the two buttons. To move your fxtures, you can simply drag and drop the fxture selection. You can navigate around the 2d view screen by holding Shift, left click and dragging the grid. Alternatively, you can activate ‘Navigate’ mode in the toolbar, then simply left click and drag to move the view.

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