Daslight DVC GOLD 1024


Limitations When you have selected a fxture or group of fxtures, you can set the dimmer and movement limitations in the bottom right corner of the screen. To set the dimmer limitations- you can either drag the fader Min/Max values or manually type the number between the Minimum (usually 0°) and the Maximum pan/tilt range above/below the fader. The pan and tilt range will be set within the fxture profle. To set the movement limitations- you can drag any of the corners you can either drag from one of the four corners of the square, or type in the values on the right of the grid. You can also move the limitation area by selecting inside the shape, then dragging it to reposition. You can also invert the Pan/Tilt from this screen, or swap the Pan/Tilt channels using the toggle buttons on the right. To assist in setting up the limitations, there are a few tools. To visualise the dimmer limitations, you can turn the beam(s) on/of using the Beam On and Beam Of buttons. To visualise the movement limitations, you can enable the Centre Beam, Pan Movement and Tilt Movement buttons.

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