Daslight DVC GOLD 1024


4.2. Creating scenes All scenes are arranged into ‘Banks’ in Daslight 5. By default, 1 scene can play at a time in each bank. Banks are designed to be stacked, for example there may be a group for colour efects, a group for movement efects and a group for strobe efects etc. To create a new bank you can press the ‘+‘ button at the top of the screen, just below the Setup, Control and Touch tabs. To create a new scene within a bank, you can press the ‘+‘ button on the bank controls section. By default, any new scene will be a ‘Static’ scene. To rename your scene, you can either right click and select ‘Rename’, you can also do this by double clicking the current scene name at the top of the scene settings tab to the right of the screen. By right clicking on the scene you can also delete, duplicate, add the scene to a new Super Scene, enable Edit/Blind Edit mode, change the button colour, or add the scene to a new Touch button. To edit/select a scene, you can click the tall rectangle on the right side of the scene button, pressing the wide rectangle left of this will select play the scene. By pressing and holding the edit/select section, you can drag and drop to move/rearrange the scenes- including dragging scenes into diferent Banks. You can choose your scene type via the options to the right side of the screen when a Static scene is selected. To delete an efect, returning to the original Static state- simply press the ‘x’ in the top right corner. All scene types (besides Static and Steps types) can store static values as well as running the efect engine. For example, you might want to set all Par lights to Red using the same Move FX scene that controls your Moving Heads. To do this, simply set up your efect as desired then select the other fxtures you want to control and set the static values.

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