Daslight DVC GOLD 1024
Scene types
There are a number of diferent scene types you can select, all of which work slightly diferently and create diferent efects. Below is a description of each scene type: 1. Static (default): This scene type will be chosen automatically when you create a new scene. This is a non-moving efect. Set the values of as many Faders/Features as you like, then these values will be recalled whenever the scene is played. One static scene can be used to control multiple fxtures. 2. Steps : A scene has 1 or more steps. Each step stores a static ‘Look’. A dynamic efect can be achieved by adding several steps with fade and hold times. To create a new step, click the ‘+’ button. As the Faders and Features are changed, the data is stored immediately into the selected step. Fade and hold times can be changed by double clicking the time value on a step. The example below shows a scene with 4 steps each with a fade time of 2 seconds and a hold time of 1 second. In this case, the values will hold, or ‘freeze’ for 1 second, and then gradually move to the next values over 2 seconds. When the fnal step is reached, the scene scene will loop back around to the frst step. To preview a scene, click the ‘Play’ button. You can also edit multiple steps at once. To do this, select a step, hold Ctrl (PC) or CMD (Mac) and select the steps you wish to modify. A range of steps can also be changed by selecting the frst step of the range, holding shift and then selecting the fnal step. To modify the fade and hold times of a selection of steps, continue to hold Shift, Ctl or Cmd whilst double clicking the step, or click the ‘Time Settings’ button. Steps may also be re-arranged by dragging and dropping or copy/pasting. To remove a step, hit the delete/backspace key or click the ‘Remove Step’ button. 3. Colour FX : This scene type can be used to create dynamic colour changing scenes. You can have up to 10 colours in the Colour Palette, to add a colour to an efect you can select the ‘+’ button shown below. To remove a colour from the palette, you can right click on it then select ‘Delete’. If you want to change a colour, you can do so in one of two ways: - Left click and drag to set the Hue/Brightness of the colour. - Right click and select ‘Advanced Colour…’ to access the full range of parameters which can be used to set the desired colour. Here, you can also save your favourites into the ‘Custom Colours’ tab by selecting the ‘+’ symbol. There are a number of diferent efect types available including Rainbow, Sparkle, Knight Rider etc. Each efect type will have a unique range of parameters, allowing you to set up the efect to create the desired look.
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