Daslight DVC GOLD 1024
4. Chaser FX : This scene type can be used to create a ‘chaser’ efect on your fxtures. This is done using the Features controls, of which you can select multiple to be used in the efect. To add a Feature to the efect, please follow the steps outlined in the ‘Adding features to an efect’ section below.
5. MoveFX : This scene type is used to control the Pan/Tilt channels of a fxture. You can select a movement shape for the fxtures to follow (i.e. Circle, Curve, Polygon, etc). Each shape can be edited by adding, removing and repositioning the points shown on the grid. You can add points by either double clicking within the area of the dotted lines, or by right clicking and selecting ‘Add point’. You can move a point by left clicking and dragging to reposition, and you can delete a point by right clicking on it and selecting ‘Delete’. The overall shape can be moved by left clicking anywhere within the area of the dotted lines and dragging to reposition. You can also resize the overall shape by dragging one of the square points in the corners of the dotted line, and rotate the overall shape by selecting the solid circle point at the centre-top of the dotted line. This FX mode can be controlled using ‘Absolute’ or ‘Relative’ mode. ‘Absolute’ mode will control the Pan and Tilt according to the absolute value produced by the efect. For example- as the moving dot travels across the XY grid from the bottom left corner to the top right corner, the Pan and Tilt channels will modulate from their lowest value, to their highest value. ‘Relative’ mode will modulate the channel relative to a value set already by another scene. For example- if you have a static scene that sets the Pan and Tilt channels to 127, then a ‘Relative’ Move FX overlaying this; you will see the value increase or decrease by a maximum value of 127, depending on the direction of the moving dot (i.e. the bottom left corner will subtract 127 from the relative value, whilst the top right corner will add 127 to the relative value). 6. ValueFX : This scene type combines functions from both the Colour FX and the Chaser FX scene types. The efect types and parameters are the same as from the Colour FX, however- this scene type is used to control various Features, in the same way as the Chaser FX. Instead of selecting a colour palette, you can select ‘values’ where Black = 0 and White = 100. To add a Feature to the efect, please follow the steps outlined in the ‘Adding features to an efect’ section below.
7. CurveFX : In this scene type, you can waveforms to control various Features. There are a number of diferent waveforms you can select from the dropdown list. Using the rate, size, phase and other parameters- you can alter the shape of the waveform to create the desired efect.
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