Daslight DVC GOLD 1024
10. Super Scene : This scene type is new to Daslight 5, please see section ‘4.3. Super Scenes’ for more information on this.
Adding fxtures to an efect
Depending on the scene type, you will need to follow one of the two processes outlined below to add a fxture(s) to an efect: - Static and Steps - These scene types do not require any specifc set up, simply select the scene and begin editing Fader/Feature values on any fxture, on any step. - Colour FX, Chaser FX, Move FX, Value FX, Curve FX, Mappings, Colour Mappings -With these scene types, you need to add the desired fxture(s) to the efect. To do this you can highlight the desired fxtures, then select the scene type from the menu on the right. If a scene type has already been selected and you want to update which fxtures are included in the efect, you can do this by highlighting the desired fxtures and then pressing the red ‘FX’ button at the top of the 2d View window. You can also use this method to add individual beams to an efect if you are using a multi-beam fxture.
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