Daslight DVC GOLD 1024


7.4. Stand alone Scenes from a Daslight 5 show can be transferred to a compatible DMX interface and run in Stand Alone without a computer. This is useful to have as a backup, or for a small show or architectural installation where a computer is not always required. Stand Alone features vary depending on the connected interface. For example, some interfaces can play several scenes at the same time while others are restricted to one scene at a time. Other features include calendar triggering and SD card memory to play larger shows. The ‘Stand Alone’ window can be accessed from the ‘Tools’ menu. Creating a stand alone show A Stand Alone show can be created by selecting a connected Stand Alone compatible interface from the ‘Select device’ dropdown menu in the top left corner of the window. A list of all scenes/banks in the show appear on the left. Scenes can be assigned to Stand Alone by selecting the scene(s) from the ‘Show scenes’ list on the left, then pressing the ‘rightwards arrow’ button at the top right corner of the list. You can remove a scene from your Stand Alone show by selecting it in the list on the right, then pressing the delete button in the top right corner of the list. For Multi-Zone devices you can select which zone you want to add the scene(s) to by choosing the zone from the ‘Zone’ dropdown in the top left of the list on the right. By moving one scene to Zone 1 and another scene to Zone 2, both scenes can be played simultaneously, providing that they are not controlling the same channels. The ‘Zone attached to’ dropdown lets you choose which groups of lights from the software are afected by the scenes loaded in the current zone of the device. Choose which groups are afected by clicking a checkbox of the group you want. Note- If you do not select any groups from this dropdown, there will appear to be no DMX output from the device when in Stand Alone mode.

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