Daslight DVC GOLD 1024
The ‘Priority’ toggle options are explained below. This is for multi-zone devices only.
1. Zoneorder : This will mean that lower numbered zones (e.g. zone 1) take priority over higher numbered zones (e.g. zone 2). 2. ZoneLTP : LTP is an acronym for ‘Last Takes Priority’. This means the scene that is last selected, regardless of the zone order, will take priority.
Once the Stand Alone show has been built, click ‘ Write ’ to write the show to the device. Other buttons available include: 1. Write : Once the Stand Alone show has been set up as you want, press ‘Write’ to write the show to the device. 2. Read : Takes the show from the device and loads it into Daslight 5. Note that on devices with limited memory, only essential information is saved (i.e. scene names may not be recalled). In general, reading the memory should only need to be used if the .dvc fle has been lost. 3. Test : Temporarily sets the DMX interface to Stand Alone mode allowing for the Stand Alone show to be tested. Press ‘Stop’ to return to the previous screen.
Port triggering, jumping & looping Scenes can be triggered via the DMX interface’s dry contact ports. The port is set via the ‘Ports Mapping’ function from the Mappings drop down menu in the toolbar. See the 5.5. ‘Dry contact ports mapping’ chapter for more information on this. A scene can be set to loop a certain number of times and then jump to another scene. These settings can be found within the scene’s ‘Advanced Properties’ window of the Control tab.
Time triggering Some interfaces include a clock and calendar allowing a scene to be automatically recalled at a certain time of day or a certain day or date when the device is in Stand Alone mode. To add a time
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