RCF RDNet Control 2

RDNet 4.0 User Manual Rev. A

4 - Now disconnect the USB cable and link the CONTROL 8 to the computer via Ethernet (directly or through an Ethernet Switch).

5 - Run the RDNet software and proceed as follows:

In the toolbar click and the Controllers window will open and show all the connected controllers found in the network with their own addresses. Otherwise click on the toolbar and the controllers page will open empty. Select here to scan for the connected controllers. This way is suitable in case of venue with more than one controller, where different part of the system could be connected in different moment.

Click or button (if more than one controller is present).

Now the controller(s) is (are) connected and ready to scan for the connected speakers.

Check if the RDNet software status bar indicates that the CONTROL 8 is connected and ready, as shown in the figure.


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