RCF RDNet Control 2

RDNet 4.0 User Manual Rev. A

All objects have been arranged according to the actual appearance of the system, considering the physical location of each device. In this way, it becomes extremely simple and fast to locate a possible issue detected by the software.

For correct alignment of objects, it is possible to drag and overlap the icons, horizontally or vertically and the position of the icon will be perfectly aligned according with the shadow that appear while overlapping.

A proper alignment of the icons is crucial when using sub functions as they assign a number to the selected objects based on their alignment and position in the workspace. This temporary number, (visible on the left of the speaker’s address), tied exclusively to the objects selected in that moment, will depend the delay values for the End-Fire and Gradient functions.

After finishing the setup, further accidental movements of objects in the workspace can be prevented by clicking on the toolbar.


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