RCF RDNet Control 2

RDNet 4.0 User Manual Rev. A



The Online mode starts data transmission between workspace objects and their respective physical devices. All object parameters (i.e. equalizers, mute, presets, etc.) are sent to the network devices with immediate effect. All network devices are cyclically scanned, in order to get a complete system status. In Online mode, it is still possible to drag objects on the workspace, but it is not allowed to add or remove them.



The signal monitoring, common at all the RDNet devices, follows this color code:

– Black: no signal

– Green: signal presence

– Yellow: soft-limiter intervention (soft power compression)

– Red: hard-limiter intervention

Next figures show the monitoring of each way of an HDL50A speaker:

For instance, the left figure shows the extended attributes of an HDL50-A speaker (including all available diagnostic data). This figure is only relevant to this object, as each RDNet compatible device has its own extended attributes. As you can see in the figure, if there is a situation of high input levels, then the DSP hard limiters are operating to protect the speaker components. A meter in red indicates the limiter intervention (gain reduction). OK (in green) indicates that the respective amplifier is operating properly. Each MUTE button allows a single way to be muted for a truly complete system monitoring.

Other data: amplifier temperature, mains voltage, cooling fan speed and physical inclination. (available only without input signal).


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