RCF RDNet Control 2

RDNet 4.0 User Manual Rev. A

In accordance with custom projects it is possible to change manually the angles in the Splay field as well as the Tilt. In this case, the new pick up point will be automatically calculated and displayed. In the right part of the workspace the fly bar pin and pick up holes are displayed as well as the direction of the shackle. Be sure to set up the clusters according to this data in order to ensure the right coverage at the system.

At the bottom the cluster is displayed with the aiming

of the modules and it is also possible to drag with the mouse the ends of the listener areas.

Close the “venues” window to come back into the clusters workspace.

In order to create a good design, we recommend to download and read our “Line Array System Design & tuning” avail able for download in the technical document section of the RCF website.


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