RCF RDNet Control 2

RDNet 4.0 User Manual Rev. A



The Easy Shape Designer prediction software is now available within RDNet 4.0 and serves to design and get all the mechanical data to fly the cluster as well as to apply presets according with temperature and relative humidity.

Select < Tools> →


A new window will open with the possibility to create the cluster and input the data of the venue.

→< Venues> in the toolbar, lists all the existing venue projects

First the venue can be named by double clicking on the name.

We can see marked in yellow the input data field as well as in red the output ones.

In the ARRAY field select the model among all RCF line array equipped with RDNet and the numbers of modules. Click to build the cluster.

In the AUDIENCE field enter the data about the listening areas: Listener Height, Start and End of coverage points and, if necessary, enable the second audience (balcony, bleachers, etc.). In the Y column input the height of the listening areas if necessary.

In the ENVIRONMENT field enter the temperature and humidity. This will affect the HF correction that will be applied at the clusters.

In the FLYBAR field enter the height (lowest point as shown in the picture) and type and position of the fly bar, (changing according with different line array systems), and the number of pick up points. Now by pressing the software suggests the optimal splay angles and the fly bar pick up holes to achieve the best coverage of the audience. Working with 1 pick-up point, the cluster will automatically take the right tilting related to the project audience data.


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