RCF RDNet Control 2
RDNet 4.0 User Manual Rev. A
Distance: distance between two subwoofer axes. The algorithm needs this value to calculate the delay values (to achieve the required angle). For a correct operation, all subwoofers should be arranged on a straight line and equally spaced by the exact value here specified. The distance between two subwoofer axes determines the maximum operating frequency of the entire array.
Increasing this value reduces the maximum frequency ( Max Freq ).
Max Freq: this value is calculated by the algorithm and is the maximum operating frequency of the subwoofer array. It shall be always higher than the low-pass cut-off frequency set to each single array subwoofer.
Group By : This allows you to group individual elements of the array by this number.
Example: to get an array made of 12 stacks, each with 3 subwoofers, the Group By value shall be set to 3. The algorithm will assign all calculated delays to every subwoofer stack, instead of each single object, considering the stack as if it were a single sound source.
Click 'Disabled' to disable the curve function, removing all object delay settings.
Click 'Send' to send data when in Online-Concert mode.
Click 'Delete' to delete the selected object from the function.
Click 'Obj. Select' to select the respective single object in the list only.
Click 'Select' to select all listed objects.
The Tilt function electronically simulates the physical aiming of a vertical array made of equidistant subwoofers, with the purpose of controlling the vertical directivity. In order to clarify its usefulness, consider the sound field simulation at the frequency 80 Hz of a suspended 8 subwoofer array (side view):
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