RCF RDNet Control 2
RDNet 4.0 User Manual Rev. A
As shown in the previous figure, this arrangement tends to concentrate most of the available energy on the perpendicular at the array centre, leaving uncovered the audience listening area (in the lower right). The Tilt function allows the array physical tilt to be simulated by using a digital steering algorithm, with visible results in the following figure:
To create a new Tilt function:
1) Click and drag all objects to be assigned to the tilt function.
2) Move the mouse on an object, right-click and select Functions > New > Tilt > in the menu.
The following window appears:
As default, RDNet objects are sorted from left to right. If 2 or more objects are placed in the same horizontal position, it will also consider their vertical position, from top to bottom. If objects are placed properly on the workspace, the new function is correct and immediately ready for use. Otherwise, click either Up or Down to change the object order, in order to reflect the
subwoofer physical layout.
Angle : vertical tilt angle of the entire array. 0° means an array perpendicular to the ground, while positive values are aiming upward (negative values: downward). Distance : distance between two subwoofer axes. The algorithm needs this value to calculate the delay values (to achieve the required angle). The default value is calculated according to the selected subwoofer. Example: in the figure above, the vertical tilt angle is -10° (cluster made of TTL 36-AS subwoofers). In this case, the distance value is set (as default) to 0.54 m, which should be the distance between two suspended subwoofers.
If ' Editable' is checked, different distance values will be allowed (due to particular system needs).
Click 'Disabled' to bypass the tilt function.
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