RCF RDNet Control 2

RDNet 4.0 User Manual Rev. A

Click ' Send ' to send data when in Online-Concert mode.

Click ' Delete ' to delete the selected object from the function.

Click ' Obj. Select ' to select the respective single object in the list only.

Click ' Select ' to select all listed objects.

In addition to these functions, 'Master' functions can be used to create other subwoofer configurations (for example: 'Endfire', 'Cardioid', etc.) very quickly. Saving the workspace with different settings permits differences in several setups to be easily appreciated, useful to optimize the system and get a result that would require working hours when using external processors instead.



This configuration is achieved by aligning two subwoofers (or two subwoofer arrays) in the same direction and placing them in front of each other.

The subwoofer A is delayed to virtually overlap the subwoofer B. This way allows the maximum sound pressure to be obtained and the cancellation of a part of the sound spectrum behind the speakers. Typically, the frequency wavelength at which the cardioid effect (cancellation) is at maximum is 4 times the distance between the speakers.

This figure shows the simulation of an End-Fire configuration at 50 Hz 1/3 octave. The distance between the two sources is 1.72 meters, therefore the wavelength of the frequency to get the maximum rear cancellation is 4 x 1.72 = 6.88 meters, which corresponds to the frequency 50 Hz. It is therefore possible to modify the distance between the sources according to the frequency that needs to be cancelled on the rear side. This procedure can also be useful to control part of

stationary waves on the stage in closed environments, avoiding annoying resonances.


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