RCF RDNet Control 2
RDNet 4.0 User Manual Rev. A
The two buttons OUT and SUB are mutually exclusive. If SUB is selected, the OUT / SUB rear panel outputs are affected by an 80 Hz low-pass filter, useful for connecting active subwoofers. If OUT is selected, the low-pass filter is not inserted.
The matrix allows to route either the LOCAL INPUT or BUSES to one or both outputs.
If the LOCAL/BUS button is on (when lit), only the LOCAL INPUT matrix section is enabled and the local input can be routed to the outputs. If off, only the BUS matrix section is enabled and the four buses can be routed to the outputs.
Click all the matrix point checkboxes that need to be enabled.
About the stereo LOCAL INPUT, the selection is mutually exclusive for each output: either the left channel only or the right channel only or both summed to mono.
About the four BUSES: only one can be assigned to the same output (or both).
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