VHS Henstedt-Ulzburg
AX46.33 N.N. Seminarhaus Lindenstraße 93 Donnerstag, ab 13.02.2025 19:00 - 20:30 Uhr 12 Termine, 139,00 € AX46.34 N.N. Seminarhaus Lindenstraße 93 Dienstag, ab 11.02.2025, 19:00 - 20:30 Uhr 12 Termine, 139,00 € AX46.35 Ruth Lingelbach VHS-Zentrum Hamburger Str. 24a Montag, ab 10.02.2025 18:30 - 20:00Uhr 6 Termine, 84,00 € AX46.32 Ruth Lingelbach VHS-Zentrum Hamburger Str. 24a Donnerstag, ab 13.02.2025 10:00 - 11:30 Uhr 14 Termine, 135,00 €
B1 Easy Conversation in English Do you want to improve or refresh your English language skills? Do you want to prepare for upcoming tests, work or travels? Then this is your opportunity. May it be conversations about current topics, culture or environment, voca bulary training or active improvement of your grammar skills, this class has got you covered. Come along and join us for B1 English class every Thursday evening. We are waiting for you! B1 Survival English - Begegnungen im Alltag meistern Sie haben Englisch bis zur Stufe A2/B1 gelernt, aber fühlen sich beim freien Sprechen noch unsicher? In diesem Kurs üben wir, wie Sie sich in alltäglichen Situationen gut ausdrücken können. Wie stellt man sich vor, bucht ein Hotel oder Auto, benutzt öffentliche Verkehrsmittel? Wir lernen die richtigen Aus drücke und Kommunikationsstrategien, wenn mal ein Wort fehlt. Wir freuen uns über neue Teilnehmer*innen!
Class language is English only!
B1 Easy Business English %XLOG FRQ¿GHQFH WR XVH (QJOLVK DW ZRUN ,Q WKLV FRXUVH you will learn useful skills, like writing simple emails, ma
king polite phone calls, and talking in meetings. We will focus on clear commu nication and help you understand basic grammar. With practice and real-life examples, you will be ready for common tasks at work. Join us to improve your English for success at work!
This class is all in English.
B1 Connect & Communicate: English Made Easy - Onlinekurs This course will give you the chance to brush up your English and improve your communication skills in a relaxed atmosphere. Easy
and interesting topics will provide the background to this course. We will also cover typical conversational situations in business settings (like business lun FKHV 7KLV FRXUVH ZLOO EH KHOG DV D Ä%OHQGHG /HDUQLQJ³ FODVV 7KH ¿UVW DQG ODVW session of the course will take place in person at the VHS Henstedt-Ulzburg. This will allow everyone to get to know each other personally. All other sessions will be held online, from the convenience of your home via the vhs.cloud. 'LHVHU .XUV ¿QGHW LQ .RRSHUDWLRQ PLW GHQ 9RONVKRFKVFKXOHQ %DG %UDPVWHGW .DOWHQNLUFKHQ XQG 0DUNWJUlÀHUODQG VWDWW
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