RCF RDNet Control 2

RDNet 4.0 User Manual Rev. A

When the exclamation mark '!' is present on the object, the controlled device is operating with different parameter values (compared to its respective RDNet object). < Obj Status Retrieve > (right-click the object to open the menu) queries the device about its current parameter values.

All data is displayed on a window similar to the previous, allowing the user to see what the differences in details are. The Object ' Retrieved Status ' window only shows the device parameters (EQ, Gain, Delay). After saving the current project, select < Go > or in an empty workspace to also save all device data on a file. In this case, the RDNet software imports parameters of all found devices, so it is now possible, if necessary, to save settings to single files and recall them later.

As shown in the figure above, in the object 'Retrieved Status' window, all commands are disabled (it serves to display parameters only).


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