RCF RDNet Control 2

RDNet 4.0 User Manual Rev. A



The < Group> function puts together all DSP controls of an object selection. All devices belonging to a group share the same values (i.e. Gain, Polarity, Delay and Eq.). All changes are simultaneously sent to DSP of all selected devices. Each single object can belong to a group only, which can be identified by a different edge color.

To group more objects:

1) Select with the mouse (click and hold to make an area) all objects to be grouped.

2) Right-click on an object and select < Assign to Group > in the menu.

3) Choose to which available group all selected objects will be assigned.

When an object is assigned to a group, it is not possible to edit its DSP parameters directly, but only through the group DSP settings ( Group Equalizer window).

To open the Group Equalizer window:

1) Right-click the object belonging to the selected group.

2) Select < Show Group Details >.

All equalizer changes affect all objects of the group.

The 'Groups' window (select either Tools > Groups in the menu or click in the toolbar) shows in detail all groups of the current project.

Each group can be named and it is also possible to change its colour, modify its object list or delete it.


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