RCF RDNet Control 2
RDNet 4.0 User Manual Rev. A
NOTE: DSP default settings of a new group are directly copied from the lowest object on the right (among all selected). To assign a desired equalization to a group:
1) Select the object having the desired equalization and add it to a new group.
2) Select the other objects and add them to the existing group.
Note that all accessible windows (i.e. Properties, Groups, Functions) can be floating or sub-windows.
The group function is really useful on various occasions, for example, to manage subsystems (front-fill, down fill, and subwoofer parameters as well as, in general, all the RDNet objects which are not line array modules arranged in clusters). 1 In order to manage the line array modules arranged in a cluster it is necessary to use the “Array” advanced group. 1 – Sometimes the line array modules are not arranged in clusters when used as front-fill, in pole mount, in stacking.
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